15 July 2009

the bold & the biographical

No matter how old I get, I don't think I'll ever get over the rush of excitement that accompanies the first day of school!

Well, ok... so I'm not technically matriculating anywhere, but my 10-week online fiction workshop started today, & I. Am. STOKED!!

First assignment: Submit a bio, 500 words or less. Given that we're immersed in a virtual classroom, it's a logical exercise to foster a sense of community (blah blah educational buzzword blah).
As part of my resolve to post to the blog with more regularity, I've decided to regurgitate said "about me" blurb here.
Q: Why?

A: Um... why not?

So, without further ado...

“About Me,” in 500 words or less, huh? Alright, I’ll give it a shot.

Me: Pronoun. The objective case of I. Postal abbreviation of Maine. Um, let’s see, what else…? Oh! Ridiculously awful iteration of the Windows operating system. I mean, really. Just terrifically, astoundingly bad. Bill Gates epic FAIL.

And then there’s the “me” called Lisa. That version is a newly minted 27-year old, a native Californian, a freelance writer and magazine editor, a compulsive hoarder of books, the loudest shy person you’re likely to meet, a rabid San Jose Sharks fan, a former lifeguard and swim instructor, a graduate of UC Berkeley, a girl who moved to Washington, D.C., with her dog and only those possessions she could fit in her car, only to move back about 18 months later (to a different part of the Golden State from which she had departed, but her real point of origin nonetheless)…

I dunno. I’m not big on talking about myself (doesn’t everyone say that?), unless it’s in response to a direct question (and even then, it really depends on the question (and probably the person asking it)). As you’ve probably guessed, I’m a fan of ellipses and parentheses (especially when nested (see previous sentence (and now this sentence, too, hehe))). But for articles, I’m all about the emdash. Fiction, it’s probably a 50-50 split, just depends on the mood, I guess.

Random anecdote: I once stole a promotional poster for Irvine Welsh’s then-new novel Porno off the wall of a bar and asked him to sign it after a reading… and then I stole his pen. I may or may not have mild kleptomaniacal tendencies. Jury’s still out on that one.



  1. you forgot to mention that you are adorable.

  2. i'm pretty sure that the definition of "adorable" is "kimberry."

    go ahead, look it up.
