28 July 2010

and they called it mandroid love...

So remember when I said the guys over at Star Wars v. Star Trek were going to let me edit their blog? It turns out I'm allowed to write there, too! Check it out!

Image courtesy Botropolis.

26 July 2010

slow boat to china

my chinese consulate friend // san francisco

...and by "boat," I mean "very long flight(s)," but you get the idea.

At any rate, it's an announcement fairly long coming, and many (if not most (or maybe all)) of you are already aware of the news, but just to make it official: I'm moving to China for a year. Specifically, Shanghai. So yeah. Color me stoked.

11 July 2010

i quit this bitch!

I wrote this back in the days when we were all firmly entrenched in the Space, but once again, the words are relevant. So here it is, slightly altered for accuracy's sake:

Saints be praised — I have begun the process of shaking off my shackles of cubicle oppression. BE GONE, vile headset; thou hath no power over me! The time of my rebirth is now. A new day is dawning, and I rise to greet it with open arms and a brilliant smile. The gods may feast in bacchean ecstasy on nectar and ambrosia, but I shall soon taste the sweet fruits of victory and emancipation.

I have given my three weeks' notice...


And now, some musical entertainment:

So apropos.

12 May 2010

so a starfleet officer walks into the cantina on mos eisley...

No I won't. More's the pity... but I digress. Time for another shameless plug on behalf of my star-studded* parade of brilliant friends. I've once again offered my pro bono copyediting services,** this time for the fanboys—pardon me, fanmen—behind the helm of Star Wars vs. Star Trek. If you're into discussing the practical applications of futuristic sci-fi technologies, debating the relative merits of humanoid artificial intelligence compared to its more mechy counterparts, ogling scantily clad women of the green and/or chained variety, pyrotechnic explosions that do or do not (there is no try) resemble what could actually occur in the vacuum of space... or if you're just in the mood for some occasionally foul-mouthed and/or low-brow but always sufficiently geeky humor... then this is clearly the best blog you're not reading.*** So I suggest you rectify that situation.


30 April 2010

leonard, revisited

Big, beautiful developments are in the works, courtesy of a woman who more than knows her way around a Sharpie and a block of wood, bringing us one step closer to putting Leonard the giraffe's story into print. And there was much rejoicing!

...or there would be, were it not for a currently significant roadblock: I have to pick a title first.


28 April 2010

this is what they pay me for...

You know the sort of thing where one person starts a story and then a group of people take turns adding to it, picking up the narrative ball where the last person left off? Sort of like Click... aaaaaaanywho. A coworker just forwarded a story kicked off by another of our coworkers, and added to be at least one other (if not more) in the interim, which starts off talking about a poor schmuck wasting away in cubicle land a la "Office Space," then shifts point of view to his boss, Amy, who thinks bitterly to herself that her male subordinate wouldn't have lasted nearly as long were it not for his conventional good looks because, in the world of depilatory creams, some man candy often helps to close the sale.

Needless to say, this got my mind stuck on unwanted body hair (and yes, I freely admit to having first googled "depilatory" to figure out just what sort of cosmetic product the story was dealing with)... so I ran with it:

20 April 2010

medieval times // more than just dinner + a show

In case you were unaware, renowned historian* Dr. David B. Jaloza, Esq.,** also posts things on the interwebs here, although it should be noted that he does so far more eloquently and informatively than I could ever hope to do. That being said, I've offered my pro bono services as a copy editor, and he has accepted, so as I read through his back catalog of posts, I encourage you to do the same.

Hop to it!

Image borrowed from Loyola University, Chicago, Department of English.

*and by "renowned," I mean "by me" as opposed to "by society."

**Dr. David B. Jaloza, Esq., is neither a doctor, gentleman of noble birth, civil servant, government official, nor practitioner of law.

24 February 2010

piss-pots & poets

Just finished reading The Ends of Our Tethers by Alasdair Gray—enormous thanks to Joanne [aka my newly-minted Kimberry] for introducing me to another voice that cuts to the quick as only Scots seem able to do. It's a great read for anyone who enjoys short stories, especially if you have an eye/ear for the at least mildly experimental variety, but the book recommendation is really neither here nor there. After all, that's what Goodreads is for, is it not?

So back to the matter at hand: