20 April 2010

medieval times // more than just dinner + a show

In case you were unaware, renowned historian* Dr. David B. Jaloza, Esq.,** also posts things on the interwebs here, although it should be noted that he does so far more eloquently and informatively than I could ever hope to do. That being said, I've offered my pro bono services as a copy editor, and he has accepted, so as I read through his back catalog of posts, I encourage you to do the same.

Hop to it!

Image borrowed from Loyola University, Chicago, Department of English.

*and by "renowned," I mean "by me" as opposed to "by society."

**Dr. David B. Jaloza, Esq., is neither a doctor, gentleman of noble birth, civil servant, government official, nor practitioner of law.


  1. Is this Dave's? It looks so professional!

  2. Lisa, Can you contact me? John Rebchook, JRCHOOK@gmail.com.

  3. @chamaine

    it is, indeed! so proud of our little history buff. & the posts are (a) educational/enlightening, (b) entertaining/humorous, and (c) of easily digestible length. triple threat!


    check your email :)
