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No I won't. More's the pity... but I digress. Time for another shameless plug on behalf of my star-studded* parade of brilliant friends. I've once again offered my pro bono copyediting services,** this time for the fanboys—pardon me, fanmen—behind the helm of Star Wars vs. Star Trek. If you're into discussing the practical applications of futuristic sci-fi technologies, debating the relative merits of humanoid artificial intelligence compared to its more mechy counterparts, ogling scantily clad women of the green and/or chained variety, pyrotechnic explosions that do or do not (there is no try) resemble what could actually occur in the vacuum of space... or if you're just in the mood for some occasionally foul-mouthed and/or low-brow but always sufficiently geeky humor... then this is clearly the best blog you're not reading.*** So I suggest you rectify that situation.