27 February 2009

day 2 :: when it rains...

...yeah. The photo doesn't nearly do it justice. Let's just put it this way: Have you ever hydroplaned while towing a trailer?

I can now say that I have. And it was a decidedly unpleasant experience.

So given the four hours of non-stop torrential downpouring complete with lightning and 20 mph winds gusting to 40 mph, not many opportunities to take photos presented themselves today.

And given that my appointment in the ATL fell through, not much of anything to report either. Which is sort of fine by me, because Monday promises to more than make up for it.

Today's route:

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I've gotta say, Georgia and Alabama had far more topography than I had expected. And then a new view of the mighty Mississippi...

Now we're back at the hotel, me at the keyboard, and Lindy cuddled up on the pillows.

There's also some commentary brewing in my head with respect to the intersection of the home building and advertising industries... but I'm too tired to get into it tonight. But here's a preview: It involves the death evolution of the billboard and the rise of social media and viral marketing.

Tune in tomorrow—same bat time, same bat channel...


  1. Where art thou? Post up some more pics and commentary about the remainder of your road trip. Itching to hear about Texas and the wild west. - Tony
